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Our 6 Steps to a Successful Salesforce Implementation

A project's success is dependent on planning, organization, and execution. From the first idea to the creation of a tangible product, having a well thought out plan is essential in reaching the end goal. At Cloud on Tap, we follow a six-step methodology that ensures accurate and business impacting results. The foundation of our process success is close collaboration and strong communication. Find out how Cloud on Tap can take your project to the next level:

Stage 1: Design

From the very start, Cloud on Tap is attentive to every detail of a project. First, Cloud on Tap meets with you to understand any pain points and desires to create a plan, outlined in a Statement of Work (SOW). The SOW is a written description of the solution architecture that is created uniquely for you. It is assembled based on information gathered during the sales process as well as through direct conversation with the Cloud on Tap Project Team. We only want the best for our clients and that means having our experts involved in each step of the process. Upon review of the SOW, the Cloud on Tap Project Team will move forward with creating a Blueprint document specifically for your use case. The Blueprint is a written description of the Salesforce account configuration and the tasks to be performed by the Project Team for you. Why have a document full of information versus just emailing? Simple. Things can get lost in email and having one source of truth to reference provides clarity. The goal of the Blueprint is to comprehensively and collaboratively design and articulate a solution for the client in advance of any project tasks being built. After the document has been created, the Project Team will review the Blueprint with you and ask for acceptance before moving to the Build stage. 

Stage 2: Build

The Blueprint document has been finalized and accepted. Now it’s time for the Project Team to execute the directive of the project! This phase involves a step by step setup of all aspects of the Salesforce application. There are questions along the way, like any project but rest assured, the Cloud on Tap Team is proficient in all things Salesforce. You and your team are trained and the application is ready to go. Next is the solution hand-off! Once the application is ready, the Cloud on Tap Team will walk through the configured solution before heading to the Deploy stage. 

Stage 3: Deploy

Following the Build stage, the Project Team will assist with the execution of a customized deployment package and turnover solution ownership to the client. You’ve made it! It’s time to take things into your hands and use the training to run your own application.

Stage 4: Complete

The completion of all deliverables outlined in the SOW will mark the end of this engagement. As part of the close out activities, the Project Team will review the engagement with you, complete all verbal knowledge transfer and present all final project documentation to ensure a seamless transition! 

Stage 5: Post Go Live

Your application is live and you hit the ground running, but not alone. Cloud on Tap will provide a preset number of hours of post go-live support after your project is completed! This service will provide various administrative services for anything Salesforce related that presents itself in the post go-live stage. It is sad for things to come to a close but there are still options to continue utilizing Cloud on Tap through Managed Services! 

Stage 6: Managed Services

After your onboarding is complete, you do not have to say goodbye yet. You have the opportunity to continue maximizing the potential of your platform with Cloud on Tap’s dedicated Managed Services Team. Our specialists ensure effortless administration, unique designs, and personalized consulting, allowing the client to focus on their business goals and reduce budgetary expenditures. If this service is desired, the Project Team Lead can connect you with the Sales Team to continue your relationship with Cloud on Tap. 

Cloud on Tap's success mantra lies in careful planning, seamless execution, and personalized collaboration. From the initial design phase to the post go-live support, our six-step approach ensures tailored solutions for our clients. The journey is a collaborative one, marked by shared goals and a commitment to excellence. We don't just conclude a project; we extend our support beyond, ensuring clients succeed. With Managed Services, the relationship doesn't end – it evolves, allowing continuous optimization of the Salesforce platform. At Cloud on Tap, it's not just about projects; it's about a lasting partnership focused on your success.

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